Samaguri College, affiliated to the Gauhati University, was established on the 1st March, 1990 &now become one of thepremier higher educational institutions of Nagaon district, Assam.
The college was provincialized by the Department of Higher Education (DHE), Government of Assam w.e.f. 01/ 01/ 2013. Later on the college included in 2(f) 12 (B) under UGC Act in November 2013.
It is the only higher educational institutionin the Samaguri Legislative Constituency. The college is founded on the green and serenenorth bank of the river Kalong under the leadership of a group of educationists and socialworkers by the people of greater Samaguri area.The vision of this group of peoplebehind the establishment of a college was to provide higher education to the youthbelonging to the rural and remote places of the greater Samaguri area and thereby toenlighten the socio-economic horizon of the area. To ensure quality higher education in undergraduate level within the framework designedby the parent university is the main goal of Samaguri College. To touch the goal ofensuring quality education, the college, from its inception, has not only been trying tomake every possible effort to develop the hidden potentials behind the youth, but also trying its level best to mould them as successful and responsible citizen of the nation.
The college always tries to maintain a congenial atmosphere for all round developmentof the students and the society. Samaguri College offers Three Years Degree Course (BA) in Semester system in Arts Stream. The college offers both Honours Course (HC) and Regular Course (RC) atundergraduate level under Choice Based Credit System (CBCS). The courses aredesigned by the parent university. At present, the overall curriculum of the collegeincludes honours in eight optional subjects along with the compulsory subjects. From this session,five new self financed certificate courses of three months,namely Kushilava(Drama);Pokha (Nursery); Prana-Ayam (Yoga); Lingua –Franca(Spoken English) and Smart Gen(Computer literacy) are going to be introduced andpreparation for that is going on. The college has been adopting various plan and activitiesto ensure all-round development of the students.
The college Central Library, i.e. "Late Phulmai Borah Memorial Library"is donated by renownedauthor and social activist ShriDilip Kr. Borah (IPS- Retd.& DGP, DGCP and CGHC of Assam) and his family in the memory their late mother Ms. Phul Mai Bora. The library builds up a balanced collection of a widevariety of teaching and learning materials to satisfy the varied curricular activities of both teacher and learners. The collections are selected on the basis of requirements including text books, reference books, journals and periodicals.The library aims at helping the students in proper understanding of various disciplines. It provides ample opportunities for preparing the students for advance studies and forshouldering the responsibilities for their future life.